Machakos School is located about 2km from Machakos town on Kitui, Machakos – Nairobi road. It is about 16km from Machakos – Nairobi road junction and about 70 km from Nairobi.
The school has a total of 76 teachers of whom 64 are employed by T.S.C while 12 are B.O.M employees. The Non-teaching support staff is made up of 51 members. All sections of the school system are fairly staffed. The school programmes are carried out by both the teaching and non-teaching staff together with the students’ council. .
Over the time the school has grown from a 3 streamed school to a 10 streamed one with a student’s population of 2200. Since its inception more than 17,000 students have gone through Machakos School. The school has been able to offer a wide curriculum and external exams